Guest Biographies

Photo of Bill Bennett

Over the course of his distinguished career in public life, Bill Bennett served as chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Secretary of Education under Ronald Reagan, and the first “Drug Czar” under George H.W.Bush.  Now an author and popular speaker, Bennett hosts the daily radio program Morning in America.  In the conversation with Bill Kristol released through this site, Bennett notes that his proudest accomplishment was the writing of the best-selling The Book of Virtues, which seeks to introduce or reintroduce Americans to those character traits necessary for human flourishing and the success of the American republic. Bennett is also the author (with Robert White), of the newly-released Going to Pot: Why the Rush to Legalize Marijauna is Harming America.

Conversations with Bill Bennett

February 16, 2015 (Episode 21)