Christina Hoff Sommers August 3, 2015 (Episode 33)
Chapter 1 : "Safe Spaces" on Campus
What happened when Sommers challenged feminist orthodoxy on campus.
0:15 - 06:16 -
Chapter 2 : How Feminism Went Awry
Sommers recounts how feminism became increasingly radical over the last few decades.
06:16 - 32:27 -
Chapter 3 : The Factual Feminist
Sommers hosts a popular YouTube series about feminism. Here she explains its purpose.
32:27 - 42:29 -
Chapter 4 : The War Against Boys
Sommers argues that ideological hostility to rowdy schoolyard play is harming boys.
42:29 - 49:09 -
Chapter 5 : A War on Women?
Christina Hoff Sommers explains why the war on women is a fiction.
49:09 - 52:09 -
Chapter 6 : "Gamergate"
Are video game enthusiasts violent and sexist? Sommers comes to their defense.
52:09 - 1:03:09